Fun in the Sun

COVID-19 UPDATE, November 12, 2021

We are pleased that the coronavirus pandemic seems to be finally slowing down here in Fairfield County, primarily due to so many eligible people (that’s everyone 5 years and older!) being vaccinated against COVID 19!! Thank you to all who are vaccinated! You are not only helping yourselves – you are helping all of us!…

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COVID-19 Vaccination Update, November 11, 2021

We are so pleased that the Pfizer COVID 19 Vaccine is now available and recommended for all children ages 5 and up! An independent analysis of clinical data has reported 90.7% efficacy against symptomatic disease in fully vaccinated 5- to 11-year-old children. We strongly believe that this vaccine is a safe, important and effective tool…

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COVID-19 and Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome (PIMS)

It has recently been reported that there may exist a possible link between Pediatric Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome (or, PIMS) and COVID-19. This is obviously of note to the pediatric medical community and further studies are now being done to increase understanding about this possible connection, the symptoms, and best options for patient treatment. While this…

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COVID-19 Update 5/13

We are thinking of you all in this difficult time. We are continuing to follow all updates on coronavirus from the CDC, CT Health Department, and Yale New Haven Hospital on a daily basis. Due to the growing concern over COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), we are making temporary changes in our office practices. Our top priority…

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Cold Weather Newsletter


It’s COLD Out There! It seems that winter has really established itself firmly in our area! After a relatively mild fall and early winter, it’s gotten seriously cold and children are especially vulnerable to getting “too cold”! What’s too cold? Another way of putting it is “hypothermia” or “frostbite”. Our young children depend on their…

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Back to School and All that goes with it


Just a couple of thoughts on the back to school chaos Most of the schools, preschool through high school, public and private are back in session by now! So it’s back to the routine and goodbye to the relatively carefree days of summer. Certainly it’s not easy getting everyone organized again: getting up early, carpools,…

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A Few Words About Lyme Disease

Now that the warm weather is back, are you thinking about Lyme Disease? All parents should keep it in mind – but NOT panic about it! As with many things, knowing the facts eliminates a lot of the worry generated by all the “hype” out there! Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection caused by an…

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Healthy Eating

This information is provided courtesy of CT Children’s Hospital, with permission Whether you have a toddler or a teen, here are five of the best strategies to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits: Have regular family meals. Serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks. Be a role model by eating healthy yourself. Avoid battles over…

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Temper Tantrums

This information is provided courtesy of CT Children’s Hospital, with permission Your toddler’s second temper tantrum of the day shows no signs of stopping, and supersonic, ear-shattering, teeth-jarring screams pierce the air. You’d run away and join the circus if only that were a real option. There must be a better way. During the kicking-and-screaming…

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Fun in the Sun

Keep your family safe this summer by following these tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) SUN PROTECTION Babies under 6 months: Avoid sun exposure and dress infants in lightweight long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and brimmed hats that shade the neck to prevent sunburn. However when adequate clothing and shade are not available, parents…

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